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Clothing in the Middle Ages

Today it's all about the fashion of the Middle Ages. How did people dress in the Middle Ages? Find out here.

Clothing in the Middle Ages - women's dresses

Clothing in the Middle Ages - Women Clothing in the Middle Ages served not only to cover the body, but also had a social and social significance. Clothes were chosen according to class and profession. Dresses of the higher classes were more elaborately designed and decorated with precious jewelry. Women's clothing differed according to class and age. In general, however, ladies wore long dresses, some of which reached to their feet. This also included the straight underdresses which, as the name suggests, were worn under the overdress as undergarments. Another characteristic of women's clothing in the Middle Ages was the belt, which tailored the otherwise rather wide-cut dress in the middle of the body. At least this is true until the late Middle Ages, because here we have experienced a great fashion change and due to various innovations tight-fitting dresses became fashionable.

The color design of the clothes depended on the respective class. While the colors of the dresses of the higher classes were more expensive, the members of the lower classes opted for cheaper dyes.

The dresses of women at a glance

Let's take a look at the clothes of the Middle Ages in detail. We must remember that this may vary depending on the culture and region, for this reason, the following overview is simplified to serve as a first inspiration.

The time of the Vikings: clothing in the Middle Ages ladies - Early Middle Ages

The clothing of women in the early Middle Ages and the Vikings often consisted of a long undergarment combined with an apron dress as an overdress. This garment can be combined with a brooch chain and a cloth belt (for example, board woven braid of wool). Together with reversible toggle shoes, the result is a garment as it can be reconstructed for the early Middle Ages. For cold days, simple cloth capes such as the rectangular woolen cloak provided the necessary warmth. Also the Kukulle or Gugel, a combination of scarf and hood is well attested since the High Middle Ages and can be worn as a supplement to the High Medieval costume.

Underdress, overdress and belt: clothing in the Middle Ages ladies - High Middle Ages

Furthermore, in this sub-period of the Middle Ages, the undergarment serves as a basic for the garb of the woman. Mind you, it is high-necked in the décolleté area and not provocatively designed. An overdress which was often made of wool and also dyed depending on the status served as outerwear. Here, too, can be combined with a belt and tailored, since the clothing of the High Middle Ages did not yet know buttons and elaborate lacing. In the High Middle Ages, laced footwear is also increasingly in use, but without buckles, since buckles on shoes are only verifiable for the Late Middle Ages. As in the early Middle Ages, the cloak is a practical companion for cold days. Either a veil or a hood served as headgear. The hood had on the one hand symbolic power as it indicated the marital status, i.e. whether the lady was "under the hood", but it also had purely practical reasons, as the hair was thus protected from dust and dirt.

Dresses of the ladies in the 13th-15th centuries: Clothing in the Middle Ages Ladies - Late Middle Ages

There is momentum in the wardrobe and also in fashion, as the introduction of buttons and lacing allow completely different cuts. The predominant fabrics at this time are still linen and wool, and the combination of underdress and overdress has not changed. However, said closures allow the dresses to be cut much tighter and more body-hugging. And indeed, this was fashionable in the late Middle Ages and clothes were probably worn very tightly. The belt is and remains a frequently depicted accessory whether made of fabric or leather. The belt was thereby sets narrowly cut. Also finer materials like the silk appear increasingly in the fashion. This was already at the beginning of the Christian era sporadically shipped from Asia to the West and traded, but in the late Middle Ages it was also processed in Europe and for this reason became better known and above all more affordable although it was still the material for the "well-heeled" class.

From braies to cloak - men's garments

Clothing in the Middle Ages was much more than a means of protection from the elements. Clothing helped to distinguish the social classes and thus served as a status symbol. It was possible to tell at first glance whether someone belonged to the upper class or not. Clothing was also an expression of power and strength. The more powerful someone was, the more conspicuous and ostentatious his clothing was. Men's clothing was also subject to various fashion trends over time. In early history, clothes were rather practical and plain. Over time, they became more opulent and ostentatious if the status allowed it.

Shirt, coat, headdress and belt made of leather are representatives of medieval garments

The men's garb at a glance

In no way is it possible in a few sentences to write down the fashion of different regions, estates and cultures generally valid. Therefore, it is also true here that the explanations are simplified to describe how people were dressed in the Middle Ages. We limit ourselves in this article to civilian life, since a military outfit naturally looked different from everyday clothing.

Viking clothing: clothing in the Middle Ages men - Early Middle Ages

Men's clothing in the early Middle Ages, that is, the 6th-10th centuries, was largely based on practicality. It consisted of simple garments that were easy to wear and move around in. There was little emphasis on ornamentation or extravagance. Tunics and pants are thought to have been common at this time. Many finds from this time are unfortunately not preserved so that generally in the early Middle Ages more room for interpretation remains and must remain. As with the ladies, the garments of the men were divided into lower and upper garments. So there was a lower tunic and an overtunic. While the undergarment was always natural or white and usually made of linen, the overgarment, which could also be made of wool, showed color depending on how one could. Belts made of cloth or leather and matching reversible footwear rounded out the wardrobe of the early Middle Ages. For cold days, a cloak is added, such as the rectangular coat. For the head, according to findings, cap-like headgear made of wool was used, such as the Birka cap, named after its place of discovery, the Viking trading center Birka.

Clothing in the Middle Ages men - High Middle Ages

The tunic of the early Middle Ages (10th-13th century) lengthened to the so-called cotte. A long tunic which was mostly made of wool. Under it was worn an undergarment made of linen. In combination with the cotte, leg warmers served as a substitute for trousers. Again under it the bruche was worn. In very simplistic terms, the bruche was a type of "boxer shorts" of the Middle Ages and was usually made of linen. Over the cotte was combined a belt. On the head man wore a so-called bund hood made of linen, which protected from dirt and dust. Again over it caps and caps were worn. At that time, headgear was an integral part of the costume and was not as optional as it is nowadays. Reversible shoes rounded off the outfit of the man from the High Middle Ages.

pants, shirt and doublet: clothing in the Middle Ages men - Late Middle Ages

Clothing in the late Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries) was much more colorful and, in certain estates, much more ostentatious than before. Whereas earlier rather plain cuts were common, now people dared to be more. The cotte went out of fashion with the invention of buttons and lacing with so-called nest ribbons. The leggings of the High Middle Ages evolved further into the so-called pubic bib, which was worn together with a doublet. Underneath was a shirt made of linen. The clothing was cut to fit the body and was tailored with a belt. Also in the late Middle Ages a waistcoat was worn in combination with a hat, cap or cap. Still turn-stitched footwear is the footwear of choice. Now also provided with buckles. A coat serves for cold days as a warming garment made of wool.

A question of estates: the colors of clothing in the Middle Ages

In medieval times, dyes were obtained from plant, mineral and animal sources. By using dyes, fabrics could be dyed in amazing colors. The natural dyes were mainly extracted from plants, but also from insects, for example, and then processed into powders or pigments. Medieval clothing was often much more colorful than modern Hollywood productions would have us believe. The dyeing of clothing was an expensive affair, depending on the color. For this reason, certain colors were reserved for the wealthy nobility, who deliberately had their clothing made in certain colors.
From peasant to nobility: headgear in the Middle Ages

Headgear was an important part of clothing in the Middle Ages. They served not only to protect the head and hair from the weather, but also as a sign of social position and power. Nobles and kings wore headdresses made of exclusive materials such as silk or velvet, while commoners had to make do with headscarves such as bundle hoods made of linen. Head coverings could also have religious significance; for example, monks often wore headscarves or hoods to hide their faces from the world.

What fabric was clothing made of in the Middle Ages?

Clothing in the Middle Ages was essentially made of the fabrics wool and linen. The reason for this is as banal as it is obvious. It was the fabrics available in Europe at the time. Silk, for example, had been known for a long time, but it could not be processed in Europe and thus had to be imported from Asia at great expense. Cotton was also not yet known in medieval Europe. Today, medieval clothing is nevertheless often made from this material because of its affordable price.

From fabric or leather: the belt

As you have probably already noticed, the belt is an omnipresent classic. Not only that it emphasizes the body center and thus sets a decisive accent for the medieval outfit, it is also practical to attach a fanny pack or, for example, a utility knife. Today, the belt is often chosen in the leather version. For both men and women, however, there were also belts made of fabric. Also the combination was in use with splendid long belts. For example, there were leather belts lined with silk. The belts were either kept simple or richly decorated with decorative fittings and end fittings.

Reenactment or Larp? Reflections on the authenticity of medieval clothing

Authenticity is an important aspect for many people interested in medieval clothing. For some, the desire for an accurate and realistic representation of historical clothing is a matter of personal pride. Others consider authenticity a necessary part of role-playing or larp (live action role-playing) events. And still others simply enjoy the challenge of putting together an outfit that looks like it could have been worn in the Middle Ages. Whatever the reason, there are a few things to keep in mind when trying to achieve an authentic look. First, research is key. It is important to have a good knowledge of the era you are interested in before you start shopping for clothes or accessories. Second, think about what you want to use the outfit for. If you're going to wear it to a larp event, you need to be sure it's durable and safe. Finally, don't be afraid to combine different elements to create your own style. Authenticity is important, but so is having fun with it. On the other hand, if you want to combine your medieval garb for serve next market visit on a whim according to your personal taste and authenticity takes a back seat, then so be it. Be proud of your created outfit and dive into the campfire romance of the medieval market or festival.

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Today it's all about the fashion of the Middle Ages. How did people dress in the Middle Ages? Find out here. What awaits you in this article Clothing in the Middle Ages - women's